my mouth is frozen, my mouth is frozen, MY MOUTH IS FROZEN! See Mom, I told you that ice didn't hurt my tummy and that is why I want to eat it all day... Now do you understand why?? I am Kassidy McBurney and my Mom and Dad are Danny and Lisa and they have a couple of other kids, but they love me the most. One of their kids they names Chandler (and he's cute but has long toe nails..) and the other one is named uh, kitty?? I don't remember, shows you how much I care..
anyway, I have pretty eyes and I am borrowing Maddy's bathing suit. I like it! I might put it in my suitcase and wear it when I get home.. shh!!
Love your blog and what a sweet family!
OK, so that was me who deleted the previous post. My mom was on my computer and so I was signed on as her when I posted a comment. I had to delete it and rewrite what I wrote so you know it was from me. I know I am lame! Well, it is about time! I was blog hopping, OK stalking, and found you on Lisa's blog who I found on your mom's blog, who I found on my mom's blog. So, I found you and I love it. It looks great. I am very excited to visit it and see your posts. Vicki is a blogger! Go girl! Love you!
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